I said this year has been really
busy in the previous post and God knows I meant it. In addition to
my daily job, my grandfather has appointed me his P.A and I have started
writing my first book with lots of help from a very wonderful, brilliant and
well- known Nigerian writer. (I’ll let out her name another day)
Anyways, before I bore you with the nitty gritty of my daily
activities, I think you all my faithful readers need an explanation as to why I’ve
been missing from this space since the 18th of November. It’s quite
simple really. I have being doing research. A lot of it and it has been great.
You’d be pleased to know that I have a lot of enlightening information for you
all and I can’t wait to start sharing. First of all, I just need to find the
time to write here but where there is a will, there’s a way right? Right.
I’m excited about this year and you should be too!
Have a wonderful evening. (Its 22:21 in Nigeria now)
With all my heart,
Dara Rhodes.