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Monday, 17 June 2013

Omawumi Megbele

I love Omawumi. I started wrong. Omawumi Megbele is a star. Simply known as Omawumi. A true star. The best part? She's Nigerian. Please DO NOT google her YET. If you don't know, I'm Nigerian and even if I wasn't, Omawumi would still be a star to me. It just so happens we both are. I have been studying this woman closely since summer last year and my conclusion is; Omawumi Megbele is grossly underrated. For those of you who have read my previous posts, you'll know I like to think of myself as 'deep' even though the closest I've been to deep is the demarcation line used to indicate the end of the shallow line in a swimming pool. You'll also know that I write about only things, people and topics I feel quite strongly about. Therefore, Omawumi must be one. Omawumi is definitely my favourite in the Nigerian entertainment industry and maybe its because she's the best. Or maybe, just maybe its because she's the realest star.

I want to tell this story but I have to tell it from the start. I believe there is a big difference between stars and celebrities and I definitely believe Omawumi is a star. You see, celebrities need the media industry and the media needs the stars. Stay with me. Celebrities are created by the media for the media, stars are created by art and talent for humanity. Clearer? Better. Now, the Nigerian entertainment industry is one I'm quite weary of, as a process of celebrification (the 'factory' the media uses to create the celebrities) hasn't been put it place yet. Hence, celebrities are easily mistaken as stars. Even by the media. Upsetting? Yes. Nonetheless, art and talent still wins. Weak and tired at the end? Absolutely. But it still wins. Omawumi is the perfect example of this my theory. She is art and talent and yet this woman has had to fight with everything she has to be heard. Now she's heard, she's grossly underrated. Fair? Of course not. But the people that DO know talent and art (as few as they seem) know her and appreciate her. Still don't google her. Please. Not yet.

While her vocals are unmatched, Omawumi definitely has the 'it' factor that screams "STAR". Some call it charisma, I prefer to simply call it, "it" Maybe, its the wow factor actually. Whatever it is, Omawumi has it. I have seen the "biggest Nigerian stars" perform. All of them. And on the grandest stages/platforms too. However the performance that struck me the most till this day was by Ms Omawumi at a wedding. Simple, beautiful and powerful. What about her interviews? Striking. She has this instant likeablility. I was drawn to her minutes after watching a random interview of her on T.V last year. I have never been drawn to any 'Nigerian star' that way. If the industry is the ocean, Omawumi is quite literally the only fish of her kind. Kinda like the "loneliest whale in the world" (you can google that one). Like the 52- Hertz whale, its impossible to capture her style and voice. Please don't google her yet.

Omawumi isn't just a Nigerian singer or an African singer. She is a world-class star that deserves to be acknowledged as one. She is a powerhouse that simply needs to experienced by the whole world. I have never spoken to her nor did she know about this post a second before I published it. Omawumi, I'm sure your fans have used every beautiful word to describe you and your music however if you ever read this, I just want you to know that; you are the best. Not because of what you did or what you did not do but simply because God gave you a voice that he didn't give anyone else. (Like the loneliest whale) You are indeed a star. This post wasn't written for any other motive other than to acknowledge a star. My beautiful people please go on youtube, listen to "what a bang bang"- Omawumi ft Tuface and "If you ask me- Omawumi. THEN and only THEN are you free to google her. :) Sue me if I lied about her.

With all my love,
Dárà Rhodes.

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