Hello beautiful people,
At first, I thought I couldn't write to save my life. In fact, for more than half of my life, I thought all I was ever going to be was a reader. Now, it's been two years and I have written over two thousand articles.
I still think I can't write to save my life but the most invaluable lesson I have learnt in two years is to write inspite of what I think. I often wince when someone says something I wrote was written well and I still read up on how to write properly everyday. Will I ever think I can write to save my life? I don't know, but I do know that I'm going to keep writing.
My message to you all as Exposed Lagosian begins her third year is, think whatever you want to think, but don't ever let your thoughts stop you from doing anything. Just get on with it!
I also want to use this opportunity to thank all my readers and every single person that has clicked on my blog or read any of my posts. You all encourage me. This one won't be complete with mentioning my aunty Folake. I didn't know her till she called my mother and told her she found my blog. I still don't know how you found it since I had just started writing but you are very important to me and I thank you so much.
Finally, after two years, I think I now know myself and this blog better and can therefore tell the truth more accurately. I don't think I will ever be a blogger that posts multiple times daily but I promise that whenever I write on here, it will be from my heart. I don't believe in writing just for writing sake or to get more traffic, so I won't be doing that too. To me this blog is an escape, my haven, a place to share my thoughts on everything and anything and I thank you all for reading.
P.S: A new blog, Exposed LagosianS (ELS) will be launching in summer this year. It is a personal blog for five young exposed Lagosians and promises to be amazing. This will remain my personal blog.
With all my love,
Dara Rhodes
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