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Abimbola Elizabeth Rhodes (nee- Da Silva)

To Lagos,  Abimbola Elizabeth Rhodes (nee- Da Silva) was the Iyalode,  queen of all its women.  To Ile- Ife, she is Yeye Apesin, a godde...

Tuesday 13 January 2015

Love thyself!

You need to love yourself. Like really really love yourself. It's so important and stands at the core of everything in your life.That's all I have to say today. Have a great evening, or day!

           Photo: marietoslanec.com

With all my love,
Dara Rhodes

Sunday 11 January 2015


Not doing any of 2014 New Year's resolutions?-Guilty! As we were about to crossover into 2015, I took some time to reflect over the previous year. At the beginning of 2014, I had resolutions to finish reading my bible, to become more confident and some other strong resolves I can't remember. Realising that I hadn't even done one of these resolves made me sad but then I realised what I had managed to do over the year was, if not equal, greater than all my resolves. 

                                             Photo: www.postconsumers.com

Life as we all know it is about growth but as human beings we like to be able to predict, plan and track our growth and that's why we make new year's resolutions that we only do for a week or as in my case one day. Growth cannot be quantified or predicted at least not until we can predict exactly what will happen the next day. Looking at the deal I got on growth last year, I'm pretty content and I'd easily swap my 2014 new year's resolves for all my mistakes, my tears, my non-super model body, my experiences, my betrayals and my pains. Why?- Because without all those things I would not have learnt to accept and love myself the way I do now and what resolution trumps Self acceptance?

So throw out most (if not all) of your new year resolutions this year and live life one day at a time embracing all the growth that is bound to happen.

Lots of love,
Feyikemi Rhodes